Tuesday, January 18, 2011

29 Gifts ~ Days 14 and 15 Humor and Prayer

Day 14 ~ Yesterday I went to Target to pick up a few things. It was a rough day as we are going through some family challenges at the moment and I was attempting to cope with the reality that change must happen even at the risk of consequences I haven't been willing to face. When I arrived at the check out and saw the helpful cashier, I just thought geez, don't go and spread your lack of joy so, I as I took each item out of my basket and placed it on the belt, I said "Something to drink, something to wash my hands with, something for the dogs", and so on...and we both giggled as we realized that there was something for everyone there. She was smiling when I walked away with my purchase...and I felt contented that my gift of humor had a part in making her job fun this day. I have a sneaky suspicion that she has fun anyway, but still, it was nice to be a part of it.
Day 15 ~ This is really hard to call a gift simply because I would do it regardless of whether I was participating in a challenge or not. My good friend, Candace, is facing some challenges as a caregiver for her mother and now her 27 year old daughter. Her mom is in the hospital having just had surgery over the weekend locally, and her daughter has surgery, out of state today. Candace is an only child and was being torn between caring for her mother and caring for her daughter. I have held each of them up in prayer today, praying for quick and easy recoveries, for peace, comfort, calmness and courage for each of them. For help to be available as they need it and for them to each know the comfort of a kind and loving Creator. I have so often heard the phrase, "All I can do is pray," and I am always stunned at the little weight such a powerful action is given as I truly believe that the most powerful position on earth in On Your Knees in Prayer.

Today I am grateful for:

1) Aunt Judy (for lifting my spirits)
2) Delicious leftovers for lunch (yes, I love leftovers :-)
3) My Mom (for stopping by and bringing the puppies new toys....It was so sweet and they love them)

May we all be blessed this evening :-) Janet


  1. Laughter is certainly good!!

    And...prayer can be a great thing!!

    I am blog hopping today and thought I would stop by your blog.

    I invite you over to visit and follow either or both of my blogs as well.

    Jessicas Lil Corner is my family blog at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com

    So Stylilized is wehre I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com

    Have a blessed day!! :0)

  2. Such wonderful gifts. I think the gift or prayer is the best one their is.

  3. I love both of these gifts, Janet! They are free and they also carry the biggest benefits. I'm so glad you were able to brighten the cashier's day and leave her with a smile.

    And prayer. I'm almost positive there is no greater gift. Prayer is so powerful. And what a beautiful and appropriate photo! My mom has given me two of those angels and a girlfriend of mine (the one I sent the letter to on Day 9) sent me one for my birthday in November!

    I hope you had a lovely weekend.


  4. Great post.
    Thanks for the follow over on my blog! :)
