Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thank you God

For a rain drenched patio
A brisk morning walk
My favorite light gray sweater
A crackling fire
A steaming cup of coffee
A delicious bowl of steel cut oats
A denim slip covered down-filled sofa
Two cuddly cocker spaniels
Hummingbirds and song birds
 Family & Friends

 I went to bed last night knowing that I would feel this way today. My heart is overflowing with gratitude for my life. Fairly predictable with a few surprises sprinkled in here and there is just how I like it. I knew it would rain in the night and that our morning walk would be brisk and I would get to wear my favorite gray sweater. I would get to come in and flip the switch for the fireplace for the first time in the season. My coffee would be ready, my oatmeal just right and the puppies ready to cuddle on the sofa before their breakfast. The birds would be singing outside of the big open glass door. Rick would kiss me three times before he left for work, and I would talk to mom.
Yes. Those are wet dog nose smears on the glass :-)
 And so it is with gratitude that we really do tend to see what it is we are looking for. Last night while getting ready for bed, I anticipated a glorious morning, and that is what I received. It could have looked differently though. I could have dreaded the forecasted rain and instead focused on the imminent muddy paws that would traipse through my carpeted house. I could have thought about being cold and not being able to wear my favorite comfy Eddie Bauer tank top on our walk. I could have ignored the ability to flip a switch and get instant fire, coffee, and music. My day could have looked different. :-)
So is this a fluke? Are my hormones just in the right balance today :-)? Or is there something to anticipating a brighter day and being grateful for it in advance? It is certainly worth the experiment, don't you think?


  1. I'm loving this journal Janet! How come you never posted this before or wasn't i paying attention?

    i'm going to do a 60@60 and i better hurry up!


  2. One phrase for you Terry; "You are amazing!"
