Saturday, January 8, 2011

29 Gifts: Days 4 & 5 ~ Reviving Date Night and Helping Others Help Others

Day 4 ~ Well, I'm going to get boring here, but this one was for hubby again. I picked him up from work a bit early and revived our date night. We started at our favorite little neighborhood Greek place for happy hour and dinner. We planned on going to a movie, but skipped it in favor of a movie at home cozied up with Bailey's and Coffee in front of the fire place. What makes this a gift to hubby is that our lives have been sort of out of balance during the last few months and I know that he appreciates me making the effort to regain our balance. He's working on a huge new project at work that has its inherent stress so providing that "safe place to fall" back at home helps him manage it easier.

Day 5 ~ One of my favorite charities is Big Brothers~Big Sisters because I really believe that every child needs and deserves a stable adult in their lives who care about their well-being. I so admire the men and women who make time in their lives for child in need and I love supporting their efforts. So today, I gathered up a car load of goodies, including a computer and monitor to take to Savers, which is their affiliated thrift store. I only dropped the things off today, but I also shop there a few times a year (when I need a certain jean size :-) and am not willing to pay good money for new jeans...and when I've got an interesting party I'm putting together because they sometimes have really unique serving pieces. Then I donate them back at another time.

Today I am grateful for:

1) A beautiful crisp day
2) My mom
3) New Photo Organizing Cart (yes, I need a cart :-)


  1. this was a great post. I needed to be reminded of the fact that my husband too, 'needs a safe place to fall' Sometimes I think I forget this...thanks!

  2. Janet: I love your blog, and I love your attitude. I will be following along!

  3. Such wonderful blessings. WOW a photo orgainizing cart? That is awesome... hope you share a pic of it full of all your memories.
